
आचार्य आयुर्वेदा

Hemant Kumar Mar 24, 2024

Understanding the Twenty Contrary Properties of Substances in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, the concept of guna (properties) plays a significant role in understanding the nature and effects of substances. One crucial aspect is the enumeration of twenty contrary properties found in various substances, as described in ancient texts like Ashtanga Hridaya. Let's delve into this insightful discourse on the properties of substances as elucidated in Ayurvedic scriptures.

The twenty contrary properties are as follows:

  1. Guru (Heavy) - Opposite of Laghu (Light)
  2. Manda (Slow) - Opposite of Teekshna (Sharp)
  3. Shita (Cold) - Opposite of Ushna (Hot)
  4. Snigdha (Oily) - Opposite of Rooksha (Dry)
  5. Lakshna (Clear) - Opposite of Khara (Rough)
  6. Saandra (Dense) - Opposite of Drava (Liquid)
  7. Mrudu (Soft) - Opposite of Kathina (Hard)
  8. Sthira (Stable) - Opposite of Sara (Mobile)
  9. Sookshma (Subtle) - Opposite of Sthoola (Gross)
  10. Vishada (Brittle) - Opposite of Pichchhila (Slimy)

These properties are fundamental in Ayurvedic pharmacology and are utilized to understand the effects of substances on the body and mind. For instance, substances with Guru (heavy) property are believed to have grounding effects, while those with Laghu (light) property tend to be more subtle in their impact.

In the classical Ayurvedic text, Ashtanga Hridaya, Chapter 6, Verse 1, ten properties of wine (Madya) and their ten opposites, which are the properties of Ojas (vitality), are mentioned. Similarly, Charaka Samhita enumerates ten properties of milk and correlates them with the properties of Ojas, emphasizing the nourishing aspect of milk on Ojas.

Moreover, Charaka describes six properties of divine water in Charaka Samhita Chapter 27, Verse 198. Although initially appearing to exceed the count of twenty properties, these additional properties are integrated into the existing framework of twenty contrary properties.

The correlation between the properties of substances and their effects on bodily elements like Ojas underscores the holistic approach of Ayurveda towards health and wellness. For example, the property of Vyavayi (intoxicating) in wine corresponds to the Drava (liquid) property, highlighting its potential impact on bodily fluids and metabolism.

In conclusion, understanding the twenty contrary properties of substances in Ayurveda provides a comprehensive framework for evaluating their therapeutic potential and effects on the human body. This ancient wisdom continues to guide Ayurvedic practitioners in promoting holistic well-being and balance in individuals.

#Ayurveda #AshtangaHridaya #Sutrasthana #HolisticHealth #AyurvedicMedicine

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