
आचार्य आयुर्वेदा

Hemant Kumar Mar 14, 2024

Ayurvedic Insights: Understanding Bodily Wastes and Health Balance

The passage provides insights into the significance of bodily wastes in Ayurveda, particularly focusing on urine, feces, and sweat. Here's a summary:

Identification of Waste Products: Urine, feces, and sweat are acknowledged as waste products of the body in Ayurvedic teachings.

Foundational Elements of the Body: Referring to the authority of Bhagwan Dhanvantari, the passage highlights that the three doshas (vata, pitta, and kapha), the seven dhatus (body tissues), and bodily wastes like urine constitute the fundamental elements or roots of the body.

Significance of Dhatus: The term "dhatus" is explained as substances that sustain and nourish the body. Even balanced doshas are considered dhatus. In contrast, elements causing imbalance and contamination are termed "doshas."

Understanding Doshas: Doshas are described as elements that contaminate the body. Maharshi Punarvasu identifies bal (strength) and others as doshas contaminating dhatus like plasma and blood.

Nature of Waste Products: Moving forward, Vagbhata describes specific waste products associated with different dhatus, such as Kapha for plasma, Pitta for blood, flesh in cavities, sweat for fat, nails and hair for bones, lubrication of skin and eyes for marrow, and Ojas for semen.

In essence, the passage emphasizes the holistic understanding of bodily wastes and their relation to overall health and balance in Ayurvedic philosophy.

Source: Ashtanga Hridaya Sutrasthana, Pages 11-12.


Ayurveda, doshas, dhatus, urine, feces, sweat, vata, pitta, kapha, bodily wastes, health, Dhanvantari, Vagbhata, Maharshi Punarvasu, plasma, blood, ojas, AHr Sha